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Paul AremoOluwa

Dear Love,
Crazy things are done in your name
Many wounds opened again
Fantasy became our reality when you came
Intoxicated, he asks her name
Kiss, hugs and kisses till dark turn dawn
Grief and tears when one be gone
Romeo and Juliet all over and again
Happily forever never forever happens

Where comes bomb, bullets and a soldier’s pain,
Death and tears in a world you stay
Do we call your name when foolish things we say?
Are you an accomplice to a jealous lover’s rage?
When fists and black eyes visit homes everyday
Chocolates and roses seek to appease on Valentine’s Day
Shall you soon come and tell us how we’ve strayed?

Is it true you left earth for the moon to stay?
Why would a mother kill her own?
And why do husbands despise their bone?
Homeless children know not your name
In winter's cold will you knit them clothes?
Cook a hot meal and cuddle them?
Tell them stories beside the fireplace?

We hear you tell wonderful stories
Alladin weds princess Jasmine
Prince charming meets Cinderella
Snow White got a chance to live again
What do I say when Disney is at it again?

Is love only for the rich?
Can the poor find you too?
Can an ugly street urchin marry Jasmine?
Can Beauty find you without being lost in the woods?
I think girls with broken hearts would agree too

Love, love is it true you exist?
Or are you a story too good to be true?
Or just a name we call, an excuse,
When foolish things we say and do
Even when we say, I do



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