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Showing posts from March, 2016

Rediscovering The Lost Art OF Romance Part III

Romance is neither for dull people ...those who have giving up on learning anything new about their spouse 💢 The Craft Of Continually Inspiring Love In Another R omance shouldn't be the basis for a life commitment with the opposite sex, I believe this argument is valid. But if you'll think on it you will find romance play out at the beginning of courtship and marriage. Proposing is an act of romance. The man anxiously invites a woman into his world by trying to convince her -he sounds emotional almost with a plea. He bows one of his knees demonstrating humility and signifying a pledge to go "low" so she would always find her feet and be honoured.

Rediscovering The Lost Art Of Romance Part II

Your lips are not only useful during sexual intercourse 💢The art of professing your love (Spoken Profession) The other side of the coin is creating a castle out of your relationship using words. Almost all the time I hear married men and women say, "I love you" to their spouse and it leaves me in doubt if they intend to say, "Drop dead" or "let me be” or they intended both. Their spoken words are in the absence of emotions, conviction and excitement, not even the decency of attention to the one addressed.

Rediscovering The Lost Art Of Romance Part I

W hen you make mention of romance it is commonly believed that sex is   the drive and its intended end. As a result, you’ll discover marriages especially Christian marriages and courtship become a drag, a bore or both. As such, courtship loses the essence of bonding the intended goal, marriages loses the practicality of loving. Without romance both partner(s) begin to struggle under the stuffy cloud of emptiness and particularly gloominess rather than enjoy the affection and caring love which should be the bedrock of any courtship or marriage relationship that must thrive.

She who "Rocked" us Grow

My heart worships your kindness and strength Mami Atata (dearest mother) . I watched beaming with smiles as a group of women most above their fifties danced circling amongst themselves singing in the Ekiti tongue. It made me laughed the first today as I sat back on a chair wiggling both legs. I realised those almost child like women having fun because of today have raised the man and called the woman out of us.

Talk Sex With Teens Before Someone Else Does

In a world where internet connection disconnect family ties, where eroticism is projected into the minds of children, parents are struggling to hold a special place in the hearts of their young ones, struggling not just to talk but communicate with   their children. Lots of kids are becoming more enclosed to their immediate environment while opening themselves to the world beyond their homes.