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Restructuring Nigeria: Learning Our Own History

The problem with the youth of this generation and nation is not the lack of the knowledge of our own  HISTORY, it is the unwillingness to KNOW anything about our HISTORY. Our attitude towards learning the past is appaulling. We like to think whatever is not adventurous or yield incentives within a short time frame is boring. We cast away history like a useless old relic. In a classic Naija youth's remark "Who E Epp?" Right? Perhaps those who banished history from the classrooms did the present youth populace a favour they were too cowardly inclined to ask.

Since we can't talk explicitly about the Old how can we distinguish what is New. If we can't tell the basic composition of what the old nation consists, on what grounds, what quantitative measurement, or quality control shall be used in our analysis to avoiding past pitfalls. To restructure you must consider the existing structure. Considering the existing structure unavoidably places us on the path of studying blueprints. Blueprints as we know it are origins, and every origin soon at the passage of time becomes history documented and preserved. In between learning and the will to do (political will).The WAY has always been foreshadowed by the WILL. Wars to restructure, revamp and reposition are executed by concise synergy in counsel. Let's get it right, Restructuring is war. You redefine a failed system with an enhanced and advanced idea despite those who feel the old wine taste better. Restructuring is a process. It has a cost and requires careful planning.

The USA Iraq invasion in March 2003 that toppled Sadam Hussain's regime was based on three (3) goals at least (aside other ulterior motives):

1. To stem the rise of extrimism and terrorist uprising in the Middle East region by dethroning dictators who ironically serve as incubators for uprising and constituted rebellion, by establishing a democratic system of governance that is closer to the people.
2. To make a bold statement to the Arab and Asian world after the 9/11 attack.
3. To disarm Iraq of its supposed weapons of mass destruction.

Point number one and two may seem absurd, but less so when you consider Charles Krauthammer, columnist of the widely read Washington Post in an article titled "Victory changes everything." In celebrating US bombing campaign in Afganistan he wrote, "The elementary truth," he continued, "that seems to elude the experts again and again -Gulf war, Afghan war, next war -is that power is its own reward. Victory changes everything, psychology above all. The psychology in the region is now one of fear and deep respect for American power. Now is the time to use it to deter, defeat, or destroy the other regimes in the area that are host to radical Islamic terrorists."

The United States went to war literally so they could restructure Iraq beyond its disarmament agenda. In November 2002 Tony Blair said, "So far as our objective, it is disarmament, not regime change- that is our objective" but stressed further, "Now I happen to believe the regime of Saddam is very brutal and repressive regime, I think it does enormous damage to the Iraqi people ... so I have got no doubt Saddam is very bad for Iraq." But in September of same year he had said before parliament, "Regime change in Iraq would be a wonderful thing. That is not the purpose of our action; our purpose is to disarm Iraq of of weapons of mass destruction." In January 31 2003, at a press conference, Bush reiterated, Saddam Hussein must understand that if he does not disarm, for the sake of peace, we, along with others, will go disarm Saddam Hussein."

Although you can question the sincerity of purpose on the part of US and UK but my emphasis in on the task and process of restructuring. It took Pentagon (US Ministry of Defence Headquarters) almost a year of data and intelligence to prosecute a war that would last twenty one days of combat. It took the presidency quite a period to market Iraq invasion to the American public after Iraq anti-war protests clinched a Guiness book world record. It is also estimated that the war cost the United States at least $ 1.1 trillion.

To fully explore Iraq's history and psychology, infrastrustural assets, experts in Middle Eastern and Iraq politics, historians, professors of social sciences, religious leaders, Iraqi exiles were grafted into the intelligence council. These think tanks would not show up on the battlefields but in this war as in every war, foot soldiers have always served as pawns in the hands of strategy. Besides, specially developed games was designed for US soldiers as part of their training -a simulation adapted to likely war scenarios.

The intelligence team considered the royal lineages who suffered as opposition under Saddam, bought them over so they have some sort of the "masses voice undertone" to avoid what could be mistaken for a US takeover. They anticipated post war scenerios by suggesting the quick replacement of critical public infrastructure such as power and water plants that may be destroyed or deliberately compromised in their favour during the war. However, though they won the battle they could not reposition Iraq by handing over power back to a democratically elected government by the people. Somewhere along the line Pentagon lost her own intellegence report to the whirlwind of bureaucracy for some reason. But those on the side of history always win thats my point. Like someone said, when we fail to learn from history, we are forced to repeat its mistakes."

You'll be amazed if a 30 year old Nigerian citizen can describe the state of Nigeria before the civil war. If most can give you an unbiased analysis of the civil war without favouring his/her ethnicity.  How many of us can speak eloquently about who we are as a people. What is our ideology as a nation -our guiding principles. Only if we could present an answer could we progress to address the question of where we are going and are suppose to be. But because we lack rational answers to critical questions we as Nigerians act like we are in a jungle. Every man for himself.
Noticeably, our ethnicity became our secret cult. Our philosophy is to "Grab what you can" -the nation cake theory. We became adapted to dangerous political instincts and tilted the scales of rule of law by ethnic affinity, its driving us to the edge of disintegration. We behave like individuals within a community rather than a committee composed of individuals.

Several states coming into a confederacy became the United States of America we know today. It means American states had a common goal or at least an ideology, freedom! They envisioned a "land of the free." Free born and free spirited. Where none is above or inferior to the other.
In the 18th century, Thomas Paine,  the author of Common Sense pamphlet, while making a sharp contrast between US democracy and England's monarchical system of governance wrote, "But where, say some is the King of America? I'll tell you, friend, he reigns above, and doth not make havoc of mankind like the Royal Brute of Great Britain ... let a crown be placed thereon, by which the world may know, that so far as we dont disapprove of monarchy, that in America the LAW is KING. For as in absolute governments the King is law, so in free countries the LAW ought to be King; and there ought to be no other."

The founding fathers' vision of America  was one of a safe haven for the oppressed and a charter for justice, that dream has infected and impacted the world. Even the Arab world have been caught romancing it.  The USA is the only country with the highest population of every known race within her borders.The American dream isn't a myth. Every American is in pursuit of his/her own happiness. What is the Nigerian dream? Are we free to pursue our own happiness? Is there a dream behind restructuring Nigeria? How infectious is that dream? What did our founding fathers see about Nigeria? Because nobody really cares, politicians jump ships and we love the amusing entertainment.

Cs Lewis said, "When a ship is on the high seas, at least three questions must be answered. Question number one: How do we keep the ship from sinking? Number two: How do we keep it from bumping into other ships? Number three: Why is the ship out there in the first place?" Have we answered these questions? Sadly, no! After 101 years of being together and almost 58 years after independence, we are not yet sure if we want Nigeria, we are still deliberating why we became Nigeria and who named us. Alas we make a mockery of ourselves each time we use the word restructure carelessly. The youths ought to embrace the season of decorum. We ought to sit at the drawing boards nudging at unsolved equations.

"Purposes and plans are established by counsel; and [only] with good advice make or carry on war."-Proverbs 20:18

NOTE: This is continuing Digest


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