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Marriage is one of such adventure... You are bound by oath before God from its inception to remain faithful till death.
Simi in her all white flowery gown and Kunle spruced up for the occasion can be seen before the altar grinning from teeth to teeth. My vision of the two love birds was temporarily blurred by my inner thoughts. Racing in my heart is the quest to know if by some profound soul searching they understand the implication of the exchange of vows. Are they devoting their lives to each other or to the construct of their fantasies about one another? When you make a pledge of for better and for Worse, in sickness and health till death do us apart, to a human (subject to change) with imperfections just as you, What are the possible upshots?

Extrapolation of high divorce rate in the twenty-twenty-first century infers that most couples exchanging marital vows meant to say, " For better we Stay for worse we Divorce death don't have to tear us Apart. What's the Court for?"
Here are three reasons why understanding the exchange of marital vows is so important for Christians:

You don’t need a vow to be someone’s child, brother, sister, cousin, niece, nephew, friend or neighbour. All human relationships don’t need a vow to begin except in marriage. When vows are instituted it means difficult challenges lie ahead. Difficulties that may threaten or shut down your security completely, except for the vow you’ll otherwise quit. You think of the military bound by oath to faithfully serve and defend their country till death and doctors who are bound by the Hippocratic Oath to save lives at all cost. Marriage is one of such adventure, you don’t quit when you feel like it. You are bound by oath before God from its inception to remain faithful till death. Ever wonder why it is possible for God to faithfully and patiently love us? God made an oath to that effect. That is how powerful and important marital vows are.

Men indeed swear by a greater [than themselves], and with them in all disputes the oath taken for confirmation is final [ending strife]. Accordingly God also, in His desire to show more convincingly and beyond doubt to those who were to inherit the promise the unchangeableness of His purpose and plan, intervened (mediated) with an oath. Hebrews 6:16-17 Amplified

People admit they cheat because their spouse is not good enough in bed. That they got angry because of the character flaw of their partner. They physically abuse their soul mate because they felt insulted by his/her action. They quit their marriage passing on the buck to the next person. Your vow makes it clear you have pictured every worst case scenario and you are willingly to be offended, angry, feel insulted, live with crushed ego, learn, re learn, unlearn, endure bodily hurt (if they occur), embrace habits and character flaws to remain married. This is the reason you said, “For worse”. When two people with human imperfections come together to live under a roof such is to be expected. Even when a couple refuse to say, "For Worse" during the exchange of vows, people are imperfect in themselves and you ought not to expect a miraculous perfection because they said, “I do”. The tongue is pleased to dwell with the teeth after being bitten severally because it has learnt to heal and endure the pain. Marital vow is a consecration of tolerance even in worst case scenarios.

Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening]. 1 Corinthians 13:7 Amplified

In Matthew chapter nineteen, the Pharisees came to Jesus asking about the subject of divorce. He told the Jews that divorce existed under the Law because of the Hardness of their hearts but What God has joined together let no man put asunder. Essentially, Jesus was saying that marriage relationship is held together by the fabric of forgiveness (even in the case of sexual unfaithfulness). That was why His disciples didn’t see any goodness in marriage at that moment. Your marital vow ensures forgiveness is available to your partner no matter what he/she does. Having knowledge that you cannot divorce your partner, you’ll both have to find a way to live with each other by letting go of wrongs. God’s condition for divorce (only in the case of adultery) is so extreme that forgiving your partner is comparatively easier. That is why the Christian marriage is a reflection of our relationship with Christ. When you see a couple who have faithfully preserved their marriage, you are looking at two people who have yielded themselves to God’s kind of forgiveness.

Above all things have intense and unfailing love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins [forgives and disregards the offenses of others]. 1 Peter 4:8 Amplified

Every man shall bear his own burden (Gal 6:5) and in this case your partner is that burden. You should bear one another’s burdens too (Gal 6:2). Marriage is for life as God ordained it. You cannot chicken out on your partner. About getting married? May I suggest you count the cost so it doesn’t become too much to count later on. Temporarily separated from your soul mate? There is no greener pasture elsewhere. Over time people became good painters that’s all. Add green colour to your pasture. For better and for worse keep painting and don’t quit.

Live joyfully with the wife (or husband) whom you love all the days of your vain life which He has given you under the sun — all the days of futility. For that is your portion in this life and in your work at which you toil under the sun. Ecclesiastes 9:9 Amplified


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