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Being a Christian and an ordinary citizen does not mean you are incapacitated to effect any change |
It is better to pray than to
grumble and complain or trade blames. Christians are the light of the world not
the darkness in it. Being a Christian and an ordinary citizen does not mean you are incapacitated to effect any
change. One of the ways the process of change is initiated is by praying, and thank
God everyone can pray. By that I mean the right kind of prayer.
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession
and thanksgiving be made for
everyone— for kings
and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all
godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior. 1 Timothy
2:1-3 NIV
We are admonished to pray for
all men, that involves pretty much everybody.
Praying for everyone is acceptable to God. It also, guarantees our
peace, safety and within this act lays one of the keys of walking in holiness. So
how do we pray for Nigeria on the current happenings?
We ought to offer thanks for
being part of this great country, for our diversity, for every region and for
the leadership. God has chosen us to be part of Nigeria first by blood and not
by opinion (Acts 17:26). We must
acknowledge God’s
sovereign hand and his finger across our history. We ought to bless Him for the
resources richly embedded in our land both human and natural. We must
appreciate his wisdom; the mystery of our unity among more than 100 ethnic
languages. We have persevered as a state because of the unique balance God has
put in place. We must give thanks for all in leadership not because they always
do what is right, but for what they’ve done right, and those by divine input shall be done right amidst political
We cannot pray for the peace
of the nation without highlighting areas of concern. We can then present our
requests on these areas of concern. The current happenings in the South East
which if not managed properly may lead to great level of instability and loss
of lives, boils down to leadership decisions. Where there is no right counsel
the people fall, but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety (Proverbs 11:14). If the sense of being
safe is lost currently in the South East as a result of the Python Dance Operation, there is little
or no right counsel available to the leadership at the centre among the vast
number of ministers and advisers. We (Christians) as light of Nigeria ought to
request from God provision for good counsel and a place for right counsellors
in the Nigerian leadership. We ought to do this without wrath, bias or
When David became the Chief of Army Staff of Israel under the
leadership of Saul the Bible records that he went wherever Saul sent him and he behaved
himself wisely and at some point more wisely (1Samuel 18:5, 14 and 30). Although Saul was a tough leader and
David couldn’t refuse his
orders, high level of intelligence had to be practically applied. Also, because
those in the military (under his command) can easily go overboard in
discharging their lawful duties by violating human rights and liberties, David
had to display wisdom and exhibit discretion in his military tactics, in
compliance to the king’s
directives and ensuring safety of the citizens of Israel. We ought to pray for
high level of intelligence across the cadre of command in the military. We
ought to pray for guidance and discretion as they dispense their lawful duty as
an institution; as they are one of many expressions of the WILL of the Federal Government.
It is a prayer we ought to pray understanding its implied consequences.
The South East is currently
in the throes of secessionist agitation which is the result of the shadows of
the 1967 Biafran War cast upon a
young generation. The bad blood of the region towards the Nigeria state
especially the North has been left to fester too long to the discomfort of all.
We cannot ask for peace first if sores have not been properly treated and
anointed, healing can then occur and peace would be a natural aftermath. The internal
wounds of the region before, during and after the Biafran War make many see an outward sign of rebellion. The mind of
God on such issues as revealed in Isaiah
1:5-6, is healing and not more punishment through the show of force. Would
you lift up a cry for the healing of heart for our compatriots in the South
East? We ought to cry for a leadership that will do justice in that region and
lift the yoke of oppression. We ought to pray that the “Come Let’s Reason Together” (dialogue) become a reality, an instrument of
peace. We pray in our day we would see that healing.
In conclusion, we are in dire need of varied solutions as a nation but we are more in
need of Christians that love this country, who prays and know how to pray. Prayer is that central nerve without which no
problem can be decisively solved. When we are physically exhausted we bow
ourselves to the ground for a good reason. As a nation we must bow down our
knees that we might receive strength to stand, walk, run then fly as the Eagle
we are. Peace be unto the walls of Nigeria and all places of her dominion. Amen
Author: Paul AremoOluwa (writer and speaker)
Author: Paul AremoOluwa (writer and speaker)