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Everyone is prone to errors I must submit to that, even the most anointed (if there is anything like that) man of God. When we take a scripture and build a doctrine around it, there is bound to be problems. Understanding of scriptures goes beyond having understanding of a single verse or chapter. No, what you understand must keep in truth with the entire gospel. Jesus did not sit with people teaching how expensive their outfit should be. Well maybe I have got an outdated bible.
"For if a person comes into your congregation whose hands are adorned with gold rings and who is wearing splendid apparel, and also a poor [man] in shabby (or casual) clothes comes in, and you pay attention to the one who wears the splendid clothes and say to him, sit here in this preferable seat! While you tell the poor [man], stand there! or, sit there on the floor at my feet! Are you discriminating among your own and becoming critics and judges with wrong motives? Listen, my beloved brethren: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and in their position as believers and to inherit the kingdom which He has promised to those who love Him?" James 2:2-5. Amplified.
Should we place a ban or expensive clothing? That is not my point. Point is the theme of salvation is not about how expensive or cheap the cloth we put on is.The life Christ came to give is more than Food we eat and our body is more than clothing (Matthew 6:25). You know it takes some level of boldness to say these things because they seem not to fit into the systems of our assembly. But it does not imply this theme is complicated. I am not preaching the gospel of poverty but I am sure the gospel of Christ is the gospel of simplicity and contentment. To be content with what the Lord had made available to you is indeed a blessing. I believe that financial prosperity is part of God's plan for the church. However, if we should truly teach the enormous responsibilities attached to it, most if not all of us would run for it.
Many times the preaching of prosperity is not taught with the structure of the body in mind. We are trying to get all the saints individually to be materially rich. But as you study the scriptures and as I mentioned Gaius earlier in one of my posts, you'll discover that God places Philemons, Lydias, Onesiphorus and Marthas in the body so that there can be an equality in all things as we read also in the book of Acts. Even our Lord Jesus Had such people during His earthly ministry.
"And many women were there beholding afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering to Him (and His disciples)." Matt 27:55.
The body then becomes a source for supplying of nourishment to needs and there is no lack. Not because other saints wouldn't have a job of their own, they would but because we are custodians of different things. Some would be a channel of wealth to the body and others shall also supply to the body according to what is committed into their hands. Paul worked, preached the gospel, have his basic needs met but there were people who invested in His finances too. Just as the gifts of the Spirit edifies the whole assembly of Christ, So our financial and material possession must edify the assembly of saints. The same way everyone does not all have the gift of prophecy or healing or working of miracles, so we all will not be materially rich. Else the Church wouldn't be structured to function as a body. Or would it?
God has purposed this so that liberality, grace and the sincerity of love may be evident to the world. It is His wisdom to the world, so they can see how His kingdom will govern the earth. We being a part of the kingdom where every saints under the economy of God lacks nothing even when what they earn does not seem to be much. This God intends to use in teaching earthly governments and societies the wisdom of His grace.
I think the way the church is currently structured is an allegory of how the Nigerian economic structure is right now. Where we have some so rich and others languishing in poverty, even though they are working all round the clock. But if things must change, it starts with the Church. First from within us then we can disciple the nations of the world. This gospel must be taught both with two templates in mind: The body and the Kingdom. If any man think himself wise, let him consider these sayings are the Word of the Lord as taught to us from the pages of scriptures.
In all things may we mature to become children. More and more I want to abide in this simplicity.