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How the gospel was conveyed by the early church is so profound. You have to wonder how we made it so complicated. Perverted/twisted preaching of prosperity had imparted many saints with the gift of covetousness. Contentment is gone with the euphoria of we must be rich (in material possessions). 
Today, can someone be bold to give testimony that he works in a bank as a security guard? Can a woman dance among us and say, "I am a Nanny?" You know, that they wouldn't dare. Testimonies have grades nah? Abi? The invisible systems in our assemblies create an environment where the brother or sister with little is not comfortable.

If someone says, I am a gate man. You'll hear people say something like this, "Pray God should change your story so you can have a testimony." Makes you wonder what testimony is all about? Isn't our testimony one? That Christ had delivered us from the shackles of sin, death and the devil? Today being a house-help is a taboo of a job. If you are a driver it’s because of family foundations. If you sell pepper at the market, you have a poverty stricken mentality.

"Let every man abide in the same calling (occupation) wherein he was called (When he accepted Christ). Art thou called being a servant (gardener/nanny/driver etc) care not for it (don't let it bug you): but if thou mayest be made free (another opportunity presents itself), use it rather. For he that is called in the Lord (a Christian), being a servant, is the Lord's freeman: likewise also he that is called, being free, is Christ's servant." 1Corinthians 7:20-22.

There were people in the church of Corinth who were servants, which would imply they were low income earners. Yet, that church was manifesting all manner of spiritual gifts without lacking one. If spiritual gifts makes people rich the church of Corinth would have been the richest, and by implication, servants would have purchased their freedom. Yet, Paul preached contentment of being servants to them and the church prospered.

But the Church of Conrith was not the only Church where servants (low in earners) were found. In Ephesians 6:5-8 and Colossians 3:22-25, Paul was admonishing servants to be content with their state of affair and to serve God as they offered service to their masters.

The gospel of the Kingdom as God intends is that, we have saints in all works of life doing service to men according to the will of God. To see someone selling Boli (Roasted plantain) beaming with smiles, rejoicing in the glory of God, singing hymns with cheerfulness of heart. To see a motorcyclist who while driving you around town prays in the Holy Ghost. When you meet with a Traffic warden proud of his salary, under the heat of the sun he remains diligent, rejecting bribes, but with kindness ushering road users. When the man at the Newspaper stand eloquently communicates the hope of the gospel to bystanders. When the conductor does not speak rash but treat you with utmost kindness and blesses you for entering the bus. Because of what Christ had done in their hearts, they can be bold in whatever jobs they do and rejoice in the goodness of God. This was what the early church taught.

The gospel of God establishes the kingdom first within us before the outside world. We have lost this contentment but our salvation is bound to it. You see a mallam who is a "shoemaker" unashamed, content and happy. Yet the children of the Kingdom having received the love of God in their hearts, His righteousness, Joy and peace are frustrated with their lives. They are complaining, and going to all manner of meetings so God can change their story because that's the Christian living currently in vogue.

"Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee." Psalm 116:7



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