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What Went Wrong? Part I

Today Believers are the least content with their lives. We want to own and drive Cars (plural) and build mansions by the waterside. This seduction of our souls is a result of the kind of teachings that flow from the pulpits. As the Church is painted before us in the epistles, I say to you, All Christians will not be rich (in material possessions) and all Christians will not be poor.
It is God's will that some will be made stewards of material possessions for the goodwill of man. The problem with us is that we have preoccupied our minds with the acquisition of things. Some say, "My God is not a poor God so poverty is not of God." I agree my brother, So the Macedonian Christians were serving demons right? Because their own poverty "No be here oo." Despite the abject poverty of Macedonian Christians they still sent the little they had to Judean Christians. You know then that the poverty of the judean Church was astronomical. So the brethren in Judea too do not serve God abi? "God don disown dem ba?" "Beloved, I 'WISH' above all things that thou mayest prosper (materially) and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." 3 John vs 2 Someone may quickly quote the above scripture. So lets dissect the above scripture. As someone who understands English you should be aware that there is a world of difference between "WISH" and "WILL". Don't you agree? John was openly disclosing his wish for Gaius. Note that He wasn't writing to the assembly of saints but an individual who had a ministry of meeting the needs of the Church of God. (I recommend you study that third epistle very well). I heard a woman say, "I haven't gone to church for some time, if the members come to ask me, why? I'll tell them I am yet to buy my land or build my house. Since they keep telling me that it is because I am not worshiping God well that has not made me own landed property." Inferiority and superiority complex dominates most assemblies today. You can ask, why? Simply because we threw 1 Timothy chapter six out of our preaching of financial prosperity. Let us settle it in our heart that the kind of prosperity message preached today is the kind that Paul warns us about, "Supposing that gain (acquisition of material riches) is godliness (a symbol of a good relationship with God)." 1 Timothy 6:5. That woman in the light of verse 5 had "Withdrawn herself from them" as Paul suggested too. Because, what will ultimately be introduced to such person is coveting, discontentment and lack of gratitude to God. Paul went further to say, "Godliness with contentment is great gain" 1 Timothy 6:6. "Having food and raiment let us be content." 1 Timothy 6:8 Though you don't own a house in Lekki or Banana Island but your relationship with God is intact and you have your daily needs met please be content. That's what Paul was talking about. Many Christians have their basic needs met yet they are not content. They believe they are poor and miserable. Makes you wonder what had happened to this gospel of Faith. Paul could have had mansions, own different estates, great businesses but God didn't make him steward of Material possession but of Mysteries of Christ. Paul hungered, people had to give him, he had needs (which were graciously met). If you are not walking naked, you have what to eat, you are not on the street begging, realize what the Lord had done for you. Bless Him and be grateful always. If He makes you custodian of other things than wealth, please don't despise it. Rejoice in the "One Talent" God had given you. God is a good God. The Lord shall supply your needs not covetous seeking. Work with your own hands and let the Lord both bless and multiply what you've got. Lastly, God knows our frame. "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God...But with God all things are possible." Don't covet money neither desire to get it at all cost. You are loved by God despite what you have. The same Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost a oil tycoon has is the same as yours even in that corner of your own shop. If your walk with God is in good condition, what the Lord WILLS you'll have. If you don't have it now, You'll have it soon. That's my life's guiding principle. "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful." Colossians 3:15. Avoid "Foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition." 1 Timothy 6:9. Shalom. #SincerityoftheWord #Lampuntomypaths #Simplicity #Prosperity


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