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The Compass Part III

The Bible is that compass by which we can navigate through the woes of all human societies and offer precise solutions.

If the church is a country colonised by heaven and believers its citizens. If tithes are taxes and offerings are miscellaneous levies. What are the basic amenities and social welfare packages put in place for citizens?
Is there not perhaps an oversight in our midst? To what end then is the purpose of our offerings and tithes if Christians needs are not meet by the Church (country) they belong. If the structures of our assemblies cannot enhance infrastructures to solve welfare problems of her citizens we have failed. We cannot cede our duty to (earthly) governments. The Church is a government, a representation of a heavenly one.
But the crowds learned about it and followed him. He welcomed them and spoke to them about the KINGDOM OF GOD, and HEALED those who needed healing. Late in the afternoon the Twelve came to him and said, Send the crowd away so they can go to the surrounding villages and countryside and find food and lodging, because we are in a remote place here. He replied, YOU GIVE THEM SOMETHING TO EAT. They answered, We have only five loaves of bread and two fish — UNLESS WE GO AND BUY FOOD FOR ALL THIS CROWD. Luke 9:11-13 NIV
Jesus wouldn’t send the crowd of five thousand away. He met both spiritual need and physical hunger, why? Because He came to introduce them to the Kingdom of God. In God’s kingdom both physical and spiritual needs are met. Little wonder Judas kept the money bag, although Jesus (earthly ministry) was finance by others. It is not therefore a surprise when the disciples suggested that the Alabaster was sold for the welfare of the poor. A kingdom that will prosper must secure her citizen.
When you read across the pages of the epistles, what do you see? You see not just a kingdom but a body functioning as a family. Our loyalty, love and concern for one another are forged as an unbreakable bond via the blood. As we note in our earthly family, if one (of our blood) is hungry, then all are hungry. If there is a supply through one, it is shared among all. NO autonomy of resources in the body.
And fear came upon every soul: and MANY WONDERS AND SIGNS WERE DONE BY THE APOSTLES. And all that believed were together, and HAD ALL THINGS COMMON; AND SOLD THEIR POSSESSIONS AND GOODS, AND PARTED THEM TO ALL MEN, AS EVERY MAN HAD NEED. And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart (they were content). Acts 2:43-46 KJV
Right there in the early Church we see the intention of God for us as a family. While a lot of religious folks are trying to make us believe that the church only meet spiritual needs, Jesus and the apostles teaches that both physical and spiritual needs must be meet in this family we belong.
Nigerian masses are not content because there is an absence of social welfare packages. Basic amenity such as good drinkable water eludes majority of the masses. This is a country where each individual is a government of his own. You provide security, electricity and good water by yourself despite the tax and levies paid. In the current Church system you contribute to purchase camp grounds and pay for lodging in it. You contribute to build schools and you cannot afford its fees.
No contentment in the church because basic human needs are not met. In the body system, the mouth a may bite and chew but the nutrient is supplied to all parts of the body. The bible, both Old and New Testament is therefore not to churn our laws and commandments but to solve basic and simple problems of needs in all human societies. Simply put, God has a bad image globally and receive many unnecessary prayers because the church does not function as a kingdom and body.
The Bible is that compass by which we can navigate through the woes of all human societies and offer precise solutions. The breakdown of our societies is not because we follow the principles of God but rather because we've neglected it.
As a kingdom we cannot all rule, but we can be proud citizens. As a body all of us cannot be the mouth that chews, but we can be proud that what is chewed will be passed down and beneficial to parts of the body. We cannot all be of the same tribe or ethnic background, the church (as destined by God) is to show the world how equity and fairness can thrive despite it. How we can be so united despite differing spiritual gifts (example of mineral resources), the success of one is the success of all. Though we might not understand the tribal languages of one another, we can be assured when we address each other as, brother or sister; that it is meant from the heart.
I therefore conclude, it is not the government of Nigeria that has failed; it is the Nigerian Church that failed to lead. God’s compass is just what we have failed to use.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations." Matt 28:19 NIV


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