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God placed more emphasis on how the nation was governed over the religious ordinances which does not visibly impact the society.
If we read the Old Testament as a book bearing careful records of how a kingdom (nation) sprang to being and how it was governed, we would have an illuminated perspective about human societies and God's concern for it. Far more helpful will its lessons drill purpose driven life into us. Rather than read through vast volumes only to see religious ordinances/laws, we will see vital lessons for national development. Undoubtedly, God spoke to Israel as a Nation and not as a religious organisation or institution.
"And ye shall be unto me a KINGDOM (nation) of priests, and an holy NATION. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel." Exodus 19:6
Bear in mind that the nation of Israel was made up of twelve tribes but priests were selected from just a tribe (Levi), and not all were priests. The Lord did this deliberately to place value on their national identity than religious rituals (which did not give life anyways). The Lord was more concerned about their nationhood.The religious ordinances and laws were to carve into their hearts their collective identity, manage and resolve inter-tribal conflict and build a society of equal opportunities and fairness. The religious ordinances and laws were as today's Judicial institutions which protect the sacred rights of citizens and upholds justice.
When the order was reversed, so that Israel as a nation became filled with religious jingoism but lacked justice or equality, they drifted towards catastrophic disasters (Yes, inspite of the religious fervor). This meant that God placed more emphasis on how the nation was governed over the religious ordinances which does not visibly impact the society. Micah summed God's thoughts in these words:

"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God" Micah 6:8
What do you see when you read about Israel in the Old Testament? The keeping of religious rites or the recipe of governance and nationhood? Little wonder the first words of Jesus' preaching were captured in these words, "Repent, For the KINGDOM of God is at hand."Those words would have been mere ramblings except we note the context of the period He spoke it. Religious balderdash has held the nation of Israel and her people to ransom.At ransom to Pharisees and Sadducees, the then religious leaders. Their national image was so marred Israelites only had one thing in common that binds them, religious ordinances. Aside that, everyone pretty much went his own way and did what pleased him. But Jesus who came with the gospel of the kingdom said to the religious leaders

"But you have neglected the more important matters of the law--justice, mercy and faithfulness." Matthew 23:23
That brings to mind same thing Micah said, right? God is more concerned about issues of our co-existence & interaction with our societies (through law & order) than religious ordinances.Look at Nigeria and tell me what you see. The same religious fervor right? But our societies is in a stench of its own decay. How has religious institutions beamed the light of a kingdom upon this nation? Rather, we've been building our own colonies named and un-named. We are colonising people (members) after the order of doctrines. We are racing, in a SCRABBLE FOR MEMBERS PARTITION (same mind-set of Scrabble for Africa partition). Our assemblies are in a desperate attempt to grab the highest numerical strength.
That now, it is evident we are divided along religious lines and the nation has suffered for it. We are like scattered sheep without shepherd (guiding principles, national dream or vision). Vulnerable to preying wolves (dirty politics) and exposed to harsh conditions (in-existence of a social contract).What do you see when reading the Old Testament? A book of endless religious rituals or a template for governance? Do you see weightier matters beyond the churning out of religious commandments?
Blessed are they who seek beyond the four walls...


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