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God didn't saddle earthly governments with the responsibilities of justice and equity. No sir! Lets stop looking for order within chaos. |
What flood your view when you say Abraham's blessings are mine? Do you see bars of gold stockpiled, a room filled with treasures or something beyond material possessions? Surely as I live I know Abraham didn't abandon family and friends in pursuit of God for cash inflow. There was something the Lord said to him that was far more than material possessions. "Now the Lord had said unto Abram, get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of (or from) thee a GREAT NATION, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing." Genesis 12:1-2
Abraham migrated from a country to receive a nation from God. It has always been about the kingdom. Paul the apostle, described Abraham's drive as thus: "By faith he (Abraham) sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the HEIRS WITH HIM OF THE SAME PROMISE: for he (and his heirs) looked for a city (nation or kingdom) which hath foundations (constitution of laws and statutes), whose builder (governance) and maker (founder) is God...For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country (kingdom)." Hebrews 11:9-10,14 [With emphasis] Do you get the picture? All along it hasn't been about sacks of gold and silver, the contention has been about a kingdom. Little wonder Lord Jesus said, "Seek ye first the Kingdom." Why is God concerned about a kingdom? The truth Is, the responsibility of Adam from the get go was to exercise dominion on earth and usher in a governance whose life surges from heaven. When Adam stumbled, Noah was given 3 of the blessings of dominion, though Adam received 4. In Genesis 9 God told Noah to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth but he didn't receive the blessing to subdue. For Noah couldn't have have subdued anything in His state, it was obvious corruption had seeped into man. Out of Noah's two sons; Japheth and Ham, came Tarshish, Sidon, Philestine, Babylon, Canaan, Sodom etc. From biblical records, these nations were known for corruption and moral decadence right? Why a kingdom apart from these kingdoms? Abraham was from Shem. Japhet was to dwell in the tents of Shem and Canaan the son of Ham was to serve both Shem and Japhet (Gen 9:25-2). Therefore Shem was to be a father mentoring nations. I also make bold to say, the land of Canaan was given to Israel because Abraham was of Shem who had the blessing that Canaan will be his servant. (God doesn't do things arbitrarily). It is God's intention to have an earthly demonstration of His heavenly kingdom. It's like having governance at the local level. Only in this case the local government level is earth. As a result, all human societies will be colonised by this Kingdom whose founder, constitution and governance is of God. God didn't saddle earthly governments with the responsibilities of justice and equity. No sir! Lets stop looking for order within chaos. He brought us into His kingdom so we can learn and express it. Light shining out of darkness. What we should see in the Old Testament is how He began with a single nation and the strategies on how the heavenly kingdom would fill the whole earth. "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done," Says our Lord. When you therefore say Abraham's blessings are yours do you see the birth of God's kingdom in Nigeria? Israel sprang up within Canaan. Does the saints manifest God's kingdom? All spiritual gifts & material prosperity was to manifest God's kingdom. As much as wealth and health are basic structures of all known human societies, gifts of healing is to see to the health of people and financial prosperity was to create an enabling economy. Why did God give us gifts such as Government and Helps in the church (1Cor 12:28). Do we need the gifts of governance to sing or prophecy? Is it not for the sake of the kingdom that we would bring to light? Why was it recorded that "The saints shall judge the world" (1Cor 6:2). How shall we order the world aright if we keep ceding our responsibility. To what end is evangelism, endless prayer meetings, fasting, special programmes, praise night etc. If no kingdom is in sight. Daniel fasted for a Kingdom, David wrote psalms and danced over a renewed kingdom, Nehemiah prayed for a kingdom. Esther married to secure a kingdom. Do you see a kingdom? or the four walls of a denomination (named and un named). "Ye are the light of the world," says the Lord. The whole world should look to the assembly of saints for guidance, not in spiritual matters but for solutions to malaise of human societies. But because corruption has seeped to the church, like Noah we can barely subdue anything but to crave increase in Church attendance. We see pastors lobbying to be promoted to bigger churches, seeking promotions, in pursuit of cash. Look at the current church structure and you'll see Nigeria's woes. The society is a mirror of the church as God ordained it. Why did Jesus speak more parables about the Kingdom of God/Heaven? Probably that one day, we might see the solution to all world's crises is found when we realise that we are ambassador's of an heavenly kingdom and there is a culture we seek to propagate. Part of the blessings of Abraham was that He will be "Father of many nations" and "Kings shall come from Him" That means the same blessing of Abraham being a fore runner of the nation of Israel, God intends, that nations shall come to learn principles of national interest from believers, and believers will pioneer these nations to spring within nations. If the world knows nothing about righteousness please do not kick. The nations can only learn righteousness when the sons of righteousness clearly reveal it. We belong to a kingdom not of this world but we must reveal our kingdom in this world. Not with violence and sword but with simple virtues of Justice, mercy and love. The walls of Jericho didn't fall flat because of a nuclear warhead, it fell because God's people were marching around it. Nobody will change the world, it is time the church respond, the gospel is to bring God's kingdom to earthly realm. It is not the world that has failed the saints but the reverse. If the believers in Nigeria get it right, I am persuaded Nigerians will get it right. Blessed are those who seek truth beyond four walls for they shall find Him.