Lord You made a way
In you every need is
And every bill are paid
In Jesus matchless name
Lord you have done it
We can stand and
Your goodness is great
You'll not allow us to
be ashamed
Neither permit that we
carry burdens
Too great for our
If the people of the
Old were preserved by your compassion, what a marvellous existence awaits our
discovery in the reality of the New. We are your breed, brought under the gift
of “Better Promises." Once, your faithfulness was new upon the mornings,
no longer know we it so. For in the horrors and blackness of night it’s now
ever before your saints, every second, never fading into oblivion, never
renewed but always new. Daily benefits are available all round the clock.
Opportunities are always opening up unto us. Shut doors giving way to new and
wider ones. Your miracles are overflowing our cups, till our lives are flooded
away with godly goodness and grace. Till we scream, not of works, but grace at
work through faith.
We are the eyeballs of
your fiery eyes,
The mirror of your
Your morning overflow
us with kindness,
Your night fills our
minds with calm
We owe everything to
But not as debtors,
You made us sons.
Your eternal counsel
inspired by love
That saved us before we
You are the lamb slain
Before time begun.
Our songs do not bring
you down,
Neither the inspired
hymns, that ricochet
Within brick walls
You delight in us,
You came to us,
Before these songs were
ever inspired
Before what’s written,
Made a meaning
The rivers of God flows
crystal clear
Within our walls
With kindness, mercy
And love for all
We as the city of the
Living God
Built for His glorious
His Spirit sings
through us
His thoughts pierce our
He sees the world from
within us
He reaches creation
through our hands.
O you Children of the
Most High
Having understanding,
Allow His praise flow
As a deluge of
Or perhaps,
As the sounds of
Dandled upon,
Like angelic harps
Already known by you
We are knowing you
For such is our portion
Our hope in the
This promise is
carefully preserved for us.