"...W e have brothers who are emotionally dead, having suffered a deathly “Stroke” in their feelings, incapable of sensing the feelings of others. As a result, Christian marriages and relationships is one of the most challenging ones not because of spiritual attacks but because we are emotionally deformed. " The phrase “Sisters Keeper” certainly doesn’t appear on the pages of the Bible. But I guess you’ve got a knack of all it’s about. It suggests being sincerely concerned for the state of being of female folks. In this context, I write strictly to the church of the Living God. On second thoughts this should have been titled, “Letter to insensitive brothers.” Let me indulge you for few seconds. Why do Christian sisters fall victim to deceivers? Why would they prefer to marry outside God’s fold? Why does it seem their heart is with God’s family but their eyes are ever wondering into the world (as it seems)? Why is there such an exploitation of your sister and my sister...