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                                                            Paul AremoOluwa


Ignorance and unbelief is the devil’s second trick and another reason why generational cords and curses exist in the life of Christians. During deliverance sessions I have dealt with cases of generational cords and curses passed down to Christians by their parents. This does not contradict my earlier assertion that God had dealt with this issues at the inception of the believer’s faith in God. Contrariwise, curses and generational cords exist in the life of any Christian who disbelieve in the efficacy of God’s eternal salvation. In this post we’ll explore how lack of faith in God and His spoken promises allow generational cords and curses to continue in our lives although God had dealt with them.

The presence of unbelief in any area of your life annuls the potency of the word of God and the blood of Jesus in that area. Example, if a believer has faith in God that he is going to prosper material wise but disbelieve God’s promise of length of his days (Isaiah 65:19-20 and Job 5:26), that believer is going to be rich but die young. He had made God’s promise of long life to him useless through unbelief. This is a spiritual principle.

No unbelief or distrust made him (Abraham) waver (doubtingly question) concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and was empowered by faith as he gave praise and glory to God, Fully satisfied and assured that God was able and mighty to keep His word and to do what He had promised. Romans 4:20-21 AMPLIFIED


And He (Lord Jesus) was not able to do even one work of power (miracle) there, except that He laid His hands on a few sickly people [and] cured them. And He marveled because of their unbelief (their lack of faith in Him). And He went about among the surrounding villages and continued teaching. Mark 6:5-6 AMPLIFIED

From the two scriptures above we can conclude that unbelief makes us wander off from the promises of God and does not allow God demonstrate his power (miracles) in our lives. As the Lord expounded on the subject of unbelief, I wrote down in my personal diary, “The only thing that can stop the Almighty God dead in His track is unbelief.

The first area I will like to discuss on is the lack of faith in the blood of Jesus. It is perhaps a mystery that many believe that all their sins were washed away by the blood of Jesus while simultaneously they disbelieve that the same blood broke the patterns of former sins, annulled every curses in their lives, gives them access to divine inheritances and immunity against the devil. One of the things taught in the epistles and which I believe still need to be taught us today is having faith in the blood of Jesus (Romans 3:25). Let’s take a look at the scripture below and its implication for a believer.

And [now] they sing a new song, saying, You are worthy to take the scroll and to break the seals that are on it, for You were slain (sacrificed), and with Your blood You purchased men unto God from every tribe and language and people and nation. REVELATIONS 5:9 AMPLIFIED

God bought us (you and I) by the blood of Jesus out from our families, cities, countries and race, and made us a part of His divine household (family), His City (Zion), His Country (heavenly Jerusalem) to be a special Race of royal (kingly) priests. How many Christians have accepted this truth and how many are walking in the reality of it? The implication of the scripture above is that the blood of Jesus is responsible for bringing us into God’s family. We were rescued from every generational cords and curses that binds us through (earthly) blood relations. If in the Spiritual realm enchantments or sorcery is used against members or name of your (earthly) family and it is to affect all blood relations, it cannot affect you because by virtue of the new birth your bloodline can no longer be traced to your earthly family. You are now part of God’s family with divine immunity against enchantments or sorceries. It is for this reason that a register is kept in the spiritual realm known as the BOOK OF LIFE (Philippians 4:3). Everyone in God’s family have their name already written in it.

We were delivered from a bloodline prone to all evil attacks, a corrupted bloodline where our ancestors dedicated us to certain altars and devils by the blood of goats and chickens into a new bloodline where God’s inheritance are innumerable via the blood of Jesus. If the blood of goats and chickens could effectively bind us to devils and wicked spirits once, how much more the precious blood of Jesus that now binds us to the one and only Eternal God?

Do not remain in your unbelief” says the Lord, “But step into the reality of the New Covenant. For I made all things new and perfected eternal salvation through My beloved Son. For the New Covenant is for sons, I shared the riches of my glory between you (saints) and my Son. Therefore you became joint heirs with Christ. I cannot love you more or less than Him (even if I had wished).” Amen.

As we once became member of a family, race and country by blood (Acts 17:26), we are now partakers of God’s divine nature and country by the blood of Jesus. As we inherited corruption (unwillingly) once by blood, it is now far evident we became heirs of immortality by choice according to the sovereign grace of God. It’s like changing your nationality by virtue of being born again in your own choice country. This is why when faith is employed a believer can instantly be delivered from sickle cell anaemia, inherited diseases and sicknesses at the inception of his encounter with God because healing is an inheritance of God’s children. If these privileges are available to Christians immediately they accept Jesus, why do Christians struggle with these issues in their faith walk? Ignorance and unbelief is the reason.

I met a female Christian who was living among believers. I saw a bead on her wrist when I was about to minister to her, so I immediately asked her the significance of the bead. She said, “It is a traditional bead my people (ethnicity) wear;” and she had it on so anyone from her ethnicity can recognise she belonged to that ethnicity, according to her, she is “in search of my people” in the state she temporarily resided. Inwardly she esteemed the fellowship with her ethnicity to be more real and beneficial than the family of God. She still believed the blood that binds her to her ethnicity is stronger than that of Jesus that unites all believers. I counselled her to take the bead off and she complied grudgingly. I prayed for her but she wasn’t delivered from her predicament. She was the only one who wasn’t delivered of her predicament in that meeting. The Lord revealed to me clearly that she was unhappy about letting go of the bead (she considers as a link to her ethnicity). She was yet to come to terms that the relationship with the family of God is a superior reality to the one she seeks from her ethnicity.

How often this proves to be true. Many believers boast in blood relations, they seek to be known because of earthly ties. Some boast in a royal name with its origin tied to demonic roots. While some believe their kinsmen/woman have the final say in their lives instead of the body of believers. But what says the Spirit of grace?

For we [Christians] are the true circumcision, who worship God in spirit and by the Spirit of God and exult and glory and pride ourselves in Jesus Christ, and put no confidence or dependence [on what we are] in the flesh and on outward privileges and physical advantages and external appearances — Though for myself I have [at least grounds] to rely on the flesh. If any other man considers that he has or seems to have reason to rely on the flesh and his physical and outward advantages, I have still more! Circumcised when I was eight days old, of the race of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew [and the son] of Hebrews; as to the observance of the Law I was of [the party of] the Pharisees, As to my zeal, I was a persecutor of the church, and by the Law's standard of righteousness (supposed justice, uprightness, and right standing with God) I was proven to be blameless and no fault was found with me. But whatever former things I had that might have been gains to me, I have come to consider as [one combined] loss for Christ's sake. Yes, furthermore, I count everything as loss compared to the possession of the priceless privilege (the overwhelming preciousness, the surpassing worth, and supreme advantage) of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord and of progressively becoming more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him [of perceiving and recognizing and understanding Him more fully and clearly]. For His sake I have lost everything and consider it all to be mere rubbish (refuse, dregs), in order that I may win (gain) Christ (the Anointed One). PHILIPPIANS 3:3-8 AMPLIFIED

Where does your allegiance lie? What do you boast about? Who do you take pride in? Paul the apostle could have taken pride in the tribe of Benjamin (His ethnicity); at least his ethnicity had experienced God in the passage of time. He could have also taken special pride being a Roman citizen etc. but all the things that he could have latched on he described as “Rubbish”. How much more gentiles who were led away from their inception with the worship of dumb idols and still practice cultures in rebellion against God. What is worth boasting about if Paul couldn’t even boast about his nation? Notice what he said, “If any other man (Jew or Gentile) thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I morePHIL 3:4B KJV

Therefore let us brag on God, let us boast in the New Covenant and take pride in the grace and mercies of God through Christ. Let us rejoice in the Race of Royal Priests, rejoice over the family of God, and give thanks for the heavenly Jerusalem.
To strike a balance on this, it does not mean we should ignore our parents, friends and family because they are unbelievers, it doesn’t mean we cannot visit the village or love our earthly home. What I mean is that our relationship with other believers must be a reality because of the blood of Jesus that binds us together. We must be aware that the blood of Jesus is thicker and purer than any other known blood. Don’t despise or take with levity the relationship of one another which we have with other believers by the blood of Jesus. When you do, you are settling for something less. You are choosing the corrupted bloodline over the blood of Jesus. If you boast and take pride in anything of flesh, you shall reap corruption. Rejoice in the faith by which you stand in the relationships of the new and not in the old filled with pollutions.
Ignorance of the power and privileges resident in the blood of Jesus is something we cannot afford. Many believers know what the Old Testament says from beginning to end but their understanding of the New Covenant is shallow. I believe we have more Old Testament preachers/teachers than preachers/teachers who have an understanding of the New Covenant. I also, do not claim to have attained to the fullness of understanding but we (church of the last days) must attain it.
The New Testament is filled with revelations and insight to help every believer grasp the greatness of God’s salvation. The apostle, Paul who was sent to us (Gentiles) communicated these truths to us; we have his epistles in our bibles. We must pay the price of sitting down to read, study and meditate upon them; else we may stumble away from God’s promises through ignorance that leads to unbelief as Isaiah warned us

Who believes what we've heard and seen? Who would have thought God's saving power would look like this? Isaiah 53:1 MSG

The devil blindfolds believers from the privileges of the new birth through doctrines that suggests there are carryover of curses, cords and covenants from past life which we must keep dealing with from time to time. I have been partaker of such doctrine(s) and taught it as well, except now I see by the mercy of God. These doctrines make us less conscious of what God had done but we more conscious of the activities of the devil. We indirectly magnify the works of the devil (which Jesus had already destroyed in our lives) and we open room for him to manipulate us through dreams and visions which results in unbelief of the word of God. These are the days we must believe what the Word of God says about us especially under the New Covenant.

I had always been terrified because I thought through generational cords I was going to make the mistakes of my dad. Also, that I would carry negative attitudes associated with my (earthly) state of origin. But God spoke to me concerning these fears with these words, “Unbelief is faith in reverse gear. To be afraid of those negatives is to have faith that it’s going to happen to you and it shall happen to you as long as you believe it will.” Then he gave me the anchor scripture:

What I always feared has happened to me. What I dreaded has come true. Job 3:25 New Living Translation

When I accepted Christ I had several strange dreams, particularly when I listened and read audio messages and books on deliverances from generational cords and curses etc. So I pressed into prayers on deliverances, as I pressed into it I could see I was delivered (yes the Lord graciously delivered me).However, each time I searched for cords and curses to break I find more of it. But this is what the Lord revealed to me on the matter recently,

Unbelief is the realm of the enemy, if you disbelieve in my words and look for curses and evil inheritances in your life, the enemy would provide you the experiences of what you are seeking. As long as fear about things in the past exists in you, although I am your beginning (Alpha) and ending (Omega), you are providing the devil something to use in manipulating you. You are allowing the devil to manipulate you in darkness and you’ll become prone to his evil schemes. And when you are snared and ask for deliverance in prayers I will deliver you from them because of my covenant of deliverance is active. But you’ll keep going on in that evil merry-go-round till death. But if you believe what my word says about the New Covenant, it will become proactive upon you and you’ll need not to search again for these things (curses and cords) and they’ll never manifest again in your life.”

The Lord brought a practical example to me by reminding me of a time when I believed witches wielded authority over me and my destiny. But as I began studying the New Testament I discovered they didn’t pose a threat to me, this was years ago.
The Lord asked, “Why did your dreams about witches and evil spirits ceased?”
I replied, “I realised what you provided for me in Christ and I believed in the authority I wield over them (witches/wizards/demons).
The Lord said, “The same thing applies to this issue on generational cords and curses.

You see, I had believed that in Christ I had absolute victory over all agents of the devil but never really believed that I am free from generational curses and cords. When I heard what the Lord said on it, the level of faith and peace that roused within me immediately would have brought down an aeroplane from the sky.
Now I believe that I have no generational cords or curses to deal with. I have been bought by the blood of Jesus Christ my Lord. God is my alpha, therefore I trace my beginning to the day I entered a relationship with him through Jesus Christ. He is my Omega, my end in only known to Him. I believe what Christ had done for me and I accept it is complete and perfect. Once and for all the work of grace was finished and perfected in my life. Where I was once a product of genetic coding of my parents, now I partake of God’s divine nature. Though I came out of a polluted foundation of idolatry and fleshly lusts, Christ alone is now my very foundation and the precious cornerstone. The only inheritances I now know and have is the ones I have obtained in God and which by the grace of the Lord Jesus I shall pass on to my children. Amen
NOTE: Be free to believe and confess it too for the blessings of the Lord belongs to all believers.
Sometimes those who minister deliverance (including me); after effecting the deliverance of Christ on a believer do not believe it’s a finished work. Somewhere at the back of my mind I believe a deeper work (of deliverance) will be experienced in the closet of that Christian. But the Lord revealed that this is nothing but unbelief. When deliverance has been effected on a Christian, it is full and complete, because God does not save halfway but to the uttermost. The area I failed to address and I think other ministers as well, is to sit that believer down and show him the privileges in the new covenant. He must be aware of these privileges to uncover the devil’s scheme. Else he will soon be back to be delivered from something else.

Indeed generational cord exists and can be passed down to offspring. But if the parent believes that negative cords and curses are destroyed by the power of the new birth it remains destroyed and will not be passed to the unborn children. But if the parents were unsaved and the offspring is bound by that unholy cord, once he becomes saved that cord is destroyed and the scriptures agree with this. We would look at this soon.

NOTE: If you’ve disbelieved and it had led to manifestations of curses or strange experiences in your life, don’t try to have faith that they’ll disappear automatically. That’s a deception. First deal with them by the provision of the blood of Jesus and word of God (Rev 12:11), then believe that what God had done for you is complete and perfect. That’s the simple faith by which we overcome.

For whatever is born of God is victorious over the world; and this is the victory that conquers the world, even our faith. Who is it that is victorious over [that conquers] the world but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God [who adheres to, trusts in, and relies on that fact]? This is He Who came by (with) water and blood [His baptism and His death], Jesus Christ (the Messiah) — not by (in) the water only, but by (in) the water and the blood. And it is the [Holy] Spirit Who bears witness, because the [Holy] Spirit is the Truth. 1 John 5:4-6 AMPLIFIED

Anywhere unbelief exists in a believer there will be a manifestation of curses and demonic operations in that regard. Unbelief is really a terrible disease and it can lead to sin (Romans 14:23). As the New Covenant annulled the first covenant before it could be established, so does the covenant of Christ annulled the old in us, and the Holy Spirit is the seal of that victory in us.

Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. Psalm 51:5 KJV
Perhaps an unbeliever can quote this scripture and it will be true but a believer cannot declare this as his experience in God. The misconception is that most believers rather than trace their birth to God still trace it to their earthly parent.  Christendom is yet to apprehend what is intended when we refer to any man who accepts Christ as “Born Again”. If something was not wrong with the natural birth there will be no need for man to be born again. Most importantly, a Christian is not only born again but born by God Himself; this therefore ought to be the reference point of our birth.

But to as many as did receive and welcome Him, He gave the authority (power, privilege, right) to become the children of God, that is, to those who believe in (adhere to, trust in, and rely on) His name —Who owe their birth neither to bloods nor to the will of the flesh [that of physical impulse] nor to the will of man [that of a natural father], but to God. [They are born of God!]. John 1:12-13 AMPLIFIED

Though man was once born of the flesh (earthly parents) but in Christ he is born of Spirit (God) as new creature with inclinations and proclivities for righteousness. But what is more fascinating under the New Covenant is that when Christian parents give birth to a child they cannot say their offspring was shaped in iniquity or conceived in sin. This is important for us to recognise, even when one of the partner in the marriage is an unbeliever.

 For the unbelieving husband is set apart (separated, withdrawn from heathen contamination, and affiliated with the Christian people) by union with his consecrated (set-apart) wife, and the unbelieving wife is set apart and separated through union with her consecrated husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean (unblessed heathen, outside the Christian covenant), but as it is they (your children) are prepared for God [pure and clean] (and brought under the New Covenant of the believing parent). 1 Corinthians 7:14 AMPLIFIED [with emphasis]

The scripture above may look too wonderful to believe and it may shatter some of your theologies but for your own edification I advise you to believe the word of the Lord, no matter how wonderful it sounds, so you might prosper and be established (2Chronicles 20:20). More importantly, this scripture applies to married couples where one of the partners believes in the Lord. The wonder and potency of the new covenant is beyond words, in so much, an unbelieving partner is sanctified during intercourse and the child is sanctified (holy) before his birth or has the opportunity to accept Christ. Therefore, it is a great joy to know that my children would be holy from the womb because of the new covenant at work in me. Though Psalm 51:5 was anthem under the Old Testament but under the New Testament believing parents should be able to say:
Behold, I was shaped in holiness; and in the righteousness of God did the Holy Spirit conceive me.
And their children have the right to declare:
Behold, I was shaped in holiness; and in the righteousness of God did my mother conceive me.

I believe what Christ had done and I rejoice that none of my children are going to dealing with generational curses or cords as I officially ceased from my own works.
The Lord told me, “Every aspect of your life you give up unbelief and have faith upon My words you’ll experience my rest (finished work of grace) in that area.”

 What injustice we have done to ourselves because of our lack of faith in God and ignorance of scriptures. May the mercies of the Lord prevail over all areas of our unbelief and ignorance in the Majestic name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

To be continued…


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