Some of the 21 Egyptian Christians
killed in Libya by Isis
February 12, 2015 |
"Jesus you are the light of the world, you are the hope of creation, more than all these you are... We are the light of the world, we are the city that is set on a hill, we are the salt of the earth, streams from the River of God." -Chris Delvan
One month ago since my last post, I had taken time to reflect on certain issues and the Lord had spoken to me concerning them, I will be sharing them with you in the course of time. I enjoyed the time of posting absolutely nothing or commenting on issues than when I did on Facebook. People perhaps believe writing and posting on Facebook is due to having itchy fingers and a presumptuous mind to comment on issues but the truth is that the reverse is the case. But it’s good to resume to this sanctified space.
Yesterday, I received a burden from the Lord to comment on an issue weighing heavy on His heart, a burden He wants to communicate. Someone may ask how you know when a matter is a burden in the heart of God. The Lord just pass the same burden to you and your heart becomes heavy and then you begin to hear him speak about it. It might not be same with everyone but that is how God express His burdens to me. What is the Lord's burden? It is the Tragedy of frivolous living among believers. It also occurred to me clearly that my Lord would not add one more day to the leave He gave me off this space a month ago, in which case, it is obvious the Lord takes His work seriously. Do we?
I read the posts of believers on their Facebook yesterday and the day before and I couldn't help but weep. The frivolous topics they posted about, jokes that is of no eternal worth and the spending of precious time to comment on posts that sketch absolutely nothing on eternity's drawing board. I cannot fathom why believers had chosen to always be swayed with trends.
If the early church was not frivolous about using every available platform to communicate Christ, why should the church of the last day become numb to the cause of Christ? If reality shows like Big Brother Nigeria and Project Fame have people who work around the clock to ensure that every day or weekly, programmes air without any glitches, why should it be Christians that find the time to be frivolous without a life devoted to continually airing Jesus, their media platforms inclusive? If the devil is working laboriously damaging lives and harvesting souls, every of his moves calculated to damn the human soul and corrupt his mind, but Christians are not tactful or concerned about the precious worth of souls. What a tragedy that troubles heaven indeed.
Jesus said, "Pray the Father for labourers for the harvest is plenteous." God heard and sent more labourers because twelve grew into hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions and in our days it had ran into billions of labourers. Shall we begin weeping in prayers again so these labourers can quit this childishness and begin to harvest for their Lord? Is our eyes covered with gross darkness that we are not aware we were hired for a specific task? How great is that darkness! The apostles of the Lamb died for what? Did God send Paul and Barnabas to the gentiles to give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God so we can live joking through life? Is this the best we can do with so great a salvation? Are these frivolities all that Christ died for? Is this the glorious church the Messiah is coming back for? Is He coming back for a people blind to the purposes of God and deaf to the instructions of their Lord? Is this the best we can give to our king?
Isn't it written, "And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again." 2 Cor 5:15.
As much as Christians are frivolous, we have no right to complain about anything, including the immoral TV shows. If we cannot be committed to air Jesus in all spheres including on the social media, why do we sing songs like "You are the reason I live"? What’s the point of being able to reach hundreds and thousands instantly but all we are capable of doing is joking around media space toying with the focal point of our faith (souls) with kids gloves? To whom much is given much shall be required, therefore this generation of believers shall be doubly accountable to God for our lukewarm attitude to the destruction of the souls of men. I keep meeting people, even Muslims who readily tell me how they take time to read all my Facebook posts; I believe this is a sign from the Lord to open my eyes to see that no post is wasted but is being sown for His glory.
Oh the day we shall stand before the judgement seat of Christ. What adventures would you share? What good matter is your heart inditing? What adventures did you attain on earth for His name sake? As it is written, "The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth he has given to man." Ps 115:16.
Do you recognise the weight of this responsibility? Oh that our hearts would pledge to the service of Christ alone. Let Your words lift the gates of my mouth O Lord. Jesus be seen, be revealed over and all over again in every words and posts. Shine Jesus on my wall. Even as the Spirit Himself cries, "Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him."
Some may say, hey, the fanatic is back on Facebook. Yes, Jesus was called worse, He was called a lunatic and demon possessed. If I am called a fanatic I am merely sharing from the heritage of my Lord. I am not greater than my master; if they did it to Him they'll do it to me. These are the days we should have fanatics on both sides of the fence. One set of fanatics blowing up themselves had necessitated the rise of another set of fanatics that would say, "I am not only going to be bound but to die sharing the love of Jesus." These are the days radicalisation can only be conquered by the never tiring, incomprehensible, radical love of Christ. If we keep slumbering on the wheels how foolish we are because the devil is not. If we bury our talents and hide the master's given gifts to proclaim Him, what wicked and slothful servants we are? Just when we get so excited and forgetful of the many sacrifices that made us believers, may God be kind to remember us in the words of Tertullian that, "The blood of martyrs is the seed of the church."
Dear Christian, are you redeeming the time? Are you shining the light of Christ? What godly cause are you undertaking for the gospel sake? Please brother and sister; these are not the days for ease and mediocrity. It’s the days of toilsome labour for the gospel sake. I make this plea, so you can at least have a glimpse that working for Jesus is not a choice but a calling upon us all. It is not a matter of convenience. Woe unto me If I don't preach Christ. You share these truths and some people believe it is because you are or want to become the pastor of a church. I am a believer and that alone is who I am. I share these simply as a believer with same anointing as you.
Christ, my love and my joy in a fallen world, let me satisfy You and bring glory to You. May Your story always be what’s on my mind each time Facebook questions. May we see a revival break out in the hearts of people every day just by surfing the internet "Facebooking". O Jesus I have promised to serve you till the end. Once again you have my Facebook wall, use it for your purposes.
"From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind; from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth — he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do." Ps 33:13-15
Paul AremoOluwa
15 March, 2017