In your days
I shall pour out my truth unrestrained upon your generation. I shall make
mysteries scarce as precious metals in your time. My truth shall be
communicated with such eloquence as never known in history. My words shall
appear with so much simplicity from your lips and from the lips of others.
Without spiritual discernment many may not take heed unto it. But the word
spoken with simplicity and conveyed not with a force wielded by man or flesh
shall burn in the hearts of many. The many that are of a seeking heart who
hunger to follow the Lamb everywhere He goes. This is what I have purposed to
do in your generation and the door is already opened, press in.
as you rejoice in this, realise that this simple truths shall also bring great
persecution, the kind that can only be compared to the time of the apostles of
the Lamb. Men shall have no answer to these truths but nonetheless shall resist
it altogether and persecute you. These days of simple truths are the days of
the two olives (ZECH 4 and REV 11:3-11). The spirit shall put these simple truths
to demonstration for indeed He is known as the Spirit of Truth and where truth
dwells He bears witness with evident signs. If you partake of my simple truths,
you’ll partake of my persecutions but also of my glory. This is what I do in
your day, among vessels whom the world term as unfit, but I have sanctified.
DATE: 4th March, 2017
TIME: 12:22 PM