Song and prayer of Saints
1 Thou hast cleansed our eyes and it cannot behold iniquity.
2 Thou hast purged our minds from strange imaginations and our thoughts from sinful meditations.
3 Surely, thy grace hath made us loathe sin and every unrighteousness:
4 Our lips thou hast touched with thy fiery coal; profanity is an abomination us and we detest the way of lying.
5 Your fear is our inspiration, therefore we hate wickedness.
6 Thou hath made us to know your paths, O Lord your righteousness is exceedingly great.
7 We will praise thee more and more for in your salvation there is exceeding joy:
8 Our feet shall dance and our lips will sing, for thou alone art holy.
9 Teach us O Lord, and keep us in remembrance of your great name everyday. we will lift our hands to thee, our soul doth bless thee, indeed our soul doth bless thee.
10 We will not wickedly depart from our God, yea we will not go astray; thy Spirit hath strengthened us, thou art become our shield.
11 Therefore do the righteous love thee and bless thee upon their beds. Even now, shall we thank thee for your great name and lovinkindness.
12 We thank thee holy Father for thy faithfulness. Render the highest praise to Him all ye His saints in all places:
For the Lord is good and his mercies are everlasting. Selah