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The Nigerian Pledge

I pledge to Nigeria my country

To be faithful loyal and honest

To serve Nigeria

With all my strength

To defend her unity

And uphold her honour and glory

So help me God

Gallant Nigerian soldiers pose for a group picture

You are the finest resources of Nigeria

You are a special breed amongst her children

You are knights in Khaki

The soul of the lots of us

You have sworn, you have kept by your guns, the oath,

Lip muttered by civilians

You have kept the oath,

By Guns & tears, by Bullets and Blood

The shedding, behind enemy lines

You are heroes let alone as tree top owls

You gave peace from the war

Saviours in uniform though no songs for your exploits

Even in death, green & white goes beneath with you

Thank you for your sweat, blood, toils and tears. We (civilians) simply have no clue what it means to vow & pledge one’s life the way you do. From camp to camp this nation has guided your heart. When we chose comfort within our homes you laid down on fresh grasses on open fields. The dew anointed your helmet all night, the Crickets’ chirping was the only sound of melody & Mosquitoes became not just your neighbours but alarms. Lying lazily on our couch we criticise, we condemn you & tried to teach you battle plans & formations on Social Media.

From camp to camp this nation has guided your heart... Sorry we condemned you & tried to teach you battle plans & formations on Social Media.

We fled Adamawa you stood, we packed our bags from Yola you pitched your tents, when Borno was almost lost you conquered; this is your story, this is your person, and you loved us all the way. I wonder what you think of us sometimes, I really do wonder, your labours in the outskirts of the nation without the privilege to sit and to see the city thrive.

The vision of your kids sticking around your wife hunts your sight as you steady your aim to fire. The echoes of your son’s last words, “daddy, mummy daddy, I want to go with daddy”; tries to deafen you most times as you struggle to listen for sounds of intruders in the moonless nights. Your wife sobs, she frets over news of fallen soldiers. She prays with uncertainty, “God don’t let him be among them, spare him, keep him safe, bring him back to me, please I beg you…” what a cost her personal hero paid for being a national hero.

The vision of your kids sticking around your wife hunts your sight as you steady your aim to fire.

We can neither know the faintest whisper of your gallantry nor the value of the gift of your life. Such sacrifice shames your salary and makes us so inferior standing next to you. In your khaki there is always comfort, it sparkles under the glory of our sun, reflecting your large heart for our nation.

On behalf of all civilians scattered across the earth, I deeply apologise from the depth of my heart. We are sorry for every criticism & comment you’ve read and heard (if ever you had the time to frivolously listen to them).

Thank you for ignoring our foolishness, our hatred and our ingratitude. Thank you for giving us peace through chaos, thank you for not holding us accountable for the loss of your comrades. Thank you for willingly handing over power on May 29, 1999. Thank you for brave stuffs we & the media will never know.
 Thank you for inwardly wearing the colour of our flag, the green & white, we wear it for fashion trends... Even in death, green & white goes beneath with you. You are full blooded Nigerians to the core.

All your efforts have not gone unnoticed, your unshaken confidence in a unified nation, your ruggedness through the turfs. Today, one Nigerian stirs up many others to remember and pray for you. I salute you all; you are full blooded Nigerians to the core!


Happy Armed Forces Remembrance Day, Celebrating Gallantry defined in the Nigerian military....

Paul Aremooluwa, 2016


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