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Showing posts from December, 2016

For Daddy

I love my daddy's big hands Its like gripping a baseball bat He swings my hands in interlock My eyeballs go up down up down like a bouncing ball I love my daddy's big hands Throwing me up where the wind can't Catching me back when the wind can't Its the only intervals am taller than him I love my daddy's wide palms Scars gave it beautiful markings Tiny little lines across a map They tell me just how hard he works I love my daddy's big smile I gave it to him when I was born Its my first gift to him as his son He says he is proud of me Wrote this poem cos I am proud of him too I love him so much I wish you do Love your daddy the way I do Paul AremoOluwa


..More women engrossed in making up and investing in cosmetics, could be the effects of the rising stats of Domestic violence... every woman knows at least two to three women suffering from domestic violence... An average Nigerian male adult was likely raised in a home, compound or neighbourhood where domestic violence was part of everyday living. A woman is who she is because she owns a heart that absorbs love from others, amplifies it in her heart and channels it back to those around her. Also, Psychologists agree that a woman is like a reservoir. You are going to get what you pump into it, only in an hundred fold.   What makes a home blissful is because a woman is holding it together. Especially, at this time of recession in the Nigerian economy, the quarter of a litre of Palm Oil is now sold at 200 Naira. Without a raise in salary coupled with her anxiety, it is a miracle that women still have it together. What is needed, where to buy what is needed, how many days till...

A Relationship of Rights and Wrongs

A Relationship of Rights and Wrongs Paul Aremooluwa ...Both party arguing their RIGHTS at the same time are WRONG... Fighting for our RIGHTS doesn't mean we are doing it the RIGHT way... I woke up this morning with few thoughts so I am going to share them with you. Why do we get angry with our spouse? Why do we argue and quarrel over issues? From complex matters to the most absurd ones. A married woman once confided in me saying, "I don't agree with my husband on how the toothpaste should be pressed out of the tube, we fight over it all the time so I bought another for myself." There are lots of reasons why we may feel different about life issues, we were born and raised by different parents with different temperance. We lived in different backgrounds weathered different circumstances. However, it not enough to explain what happens when we argue with our spouse. Sometimes out of those arguments violence rears its ugly head. What is responsib...


ATONEMENT Rebellious and unwilling to be rescued You saved us You gave us Life, hope and love Reaching us with stretched arms Pierced side Grieving heart Bleeding brows Displayed so all men may see Love unafraid to die Hope beyond this life Glory in Suffering Captured, our hearts raptured by love Not by law But your love Beaten, battered and butchered To this cross shall all men come In gross darkness thee we saw Where on the tree thou hung Light brightest shone thee The Son of God We bless thee Mournful mourning for sinners’ plight No hammer or nails No spit or whip Dravest tears out the saviour’s eyes Not stones and screams to “Crucify him!” But the verdict of Condemnation upon all If this cross He wouldn’t embrace Sin, righteousness slayed Death and sorrow’s debt paid Where nothing else prevailed Oh! The passion and fierce love that came That tore our rags away And broke my chains All bl...